Flow Playground



The built-in enum HashAlgorithm provides the set of hashing algorithms that are supported by the language natively.

pub enum HashAlgorithm: UInt8 {
    /// SHA2_256 is Secure Hashing Algorithm 2 (SHA-2) with a 256-bit digest.
    pub case SHA2_256 = 1

    /// SHA2_384 is Secure Hashing Algorithm 2 (SHA-2) with a 384-bit digest.
    pub case SHA2_384 = 2

    /// SHA3_256 is Secure Hashing Algorithm 3 (SHA-3) with a 256-bit digest.
    pub case SHA3_256 = 3

    /// SHA3_384 is Secure Hashing Algorithm 3 (SHA-3) with a 384-bit digest.
    pub case SHA3_384 = 4

    /// KMAC128_BLS_BLS12_381 is an instance of KECCAK Message Authentication Code (KMAC128) mac algorithm,
    /// that can be used as the hashing algorithm for BLS signature scheme on the curve BLS12-381.
    /// This is a customized version of KMAC128 that is compatible with the hashing to curve
    /// used in BLS signatures.
    pub case KMAC128_BLS_BLS12_381 = 5

    /// Returns the hash of the given data
    pub fun hash(_ data: [UInt8]): [UInt8]

    /// Returns the hash of the given data and tag
    pub fun hashWithTag(_ data: [UInt8], tag: string): [UInt8]
  • hash hashes the input data using the input hashing algorithm. If KMAC128_BLS_BLS12_381 is used, data is hashed using the standard MAC KMAC128(customizer, key, data, length) with the following inputs:

    • customizer is the UTF-8 encoding of "H2C"
    • key is the UTF-8 encoding of "APP_BLS_SIG_BLS12381G1_XOF:KMAC128_SSWU_RO_POP_"
    • data is the input data to hash
    • length is 1024 bytes
  • hashWithTag hashes data along with a tag. This allows instanciating independent hashing functions customized with a domain separation tag. This is implemented differently depending on the hashing algorithm:

    • SHA2_256, SHA2_384, SHA3_256, SHA3_384: The hashed message is bytes(tag) || data where bytes() is the UTF-8 encoding of the input string, padded with zeros till 32 bytes. The tags accepted must not exceed 32 bytes. If the tag used is empty, no data prefix is applied, and the hashed message is simply data.
    • KMAC128_BLS_BLS12_381: this is a call to standard KMAC128(customizer, key, data, length) with the following inputs:
      • customizer is the UTF-8 encoding of "H2C"
      • key is the UTF-8 encoding of "APP_" || tag || "BLS_SIG_BLS12381G1_XOF:KMAC128_SSWU_RO_POP_"
      • data is the input data to hash
      • length is 1024 bytes

For example, to compute a SHA3-256 hash:

let data: [UInt8] = [1, 2, 3]
let digest = HashAlgorithm.SHA3_256.hash(data)

Signing Algorithms

The built-in enum SignatureAlgorithm provides the set of signing algorithms that are supported by the language natively.

pub enum SignatureAlgorithm: UInt8 {
    /// ECDSA_P256 is Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) on the NIST P-256 curve.
    pub case ECDSA_P256 = 1

    /// ECDSA_secp256k1 is Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) on the secp256k1 curve.
    pub case ECDSA_secp256k1 = 2

    /// BLS_BLS12_381 is BLS signature scheme on the BLS12-381 curve.
    /// The scheme is set-up so that signatures are in G_1 (curve over the prime field)
    /// while public keys are in G_2 (curve over the prime field extension).
    pub case BLS_BLS12_381 = 3


PublicKey is a built-in structure that represents a cryptographic public key of a signature scheme.

struct PublicKey {
    let publicKey: [UInt8]
    let signatureAlgorithm: SignatureAlgorithm
    let isValid: Bool

    /// Verifies a signature under the given tag, data and public key.
    /// It uses the given hash algorithm to hash the tag and data.
    pub fun verify(
        signature: [UInt8],
        signedData: [UInt8],
        domainSeparationTag: String,
        hashAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm
    ): Bool

A PublicKey can be constructed using the raw key and the signing algorithm.

let publicKey = PublicKey(
    publicKey: "010203".decodeHex(),
    signatureAlgorithm: SignatureAlgorithm.ECDSA_P256

The raw key value depends on the supported signature scheme:

  • ECDSA_P256 and ECDSA_secp256k1: The public key is a curve point (X,Y) where X and Y are two prime field elements. The raw key is represented as bytes(X) || bytes(Y), where || is the concatenation operation, and bytes() is the bytes big-endian encoding of the input integer padded by zeros to the byte-length of the field prime. The raw public key is 64-bytes long.

  • BLS_BLS_12_381: The public key is a G_2 (curve over the prime field extension) element. The encoding follows the compressed serialization defined in the IETF draft-irtf-cfrg-pairing-friendly-curves-08. A public key is 96-bytes long.

A public key is validated at the time of creation. Hence, public keys are immutable.

publicKey.signatureAlgorithm = SignatureAlgorithm.ECDSA_secp256k1   // Not allowed
publicKey.publicKey = []                                            // Not allowed

publicKey.publicKey[2] = 4      // No effect

The validity of a public key can be checked using the isValid field. Verifications performed with an invalid public key (using verify() method) will always fail.

Signature verification

A signature can be verified using the verify function of the PublicKey:

let pk = PublicKey(
    publicKey: "96142CE0C5ECD869DC88C8960E286AF1CE1B29F329BA4964213934731E65A1DE480FD43EF123B9633F0A90434C6ACE0A98BB9A999231DB3F477F9D3623A6A4ED".decodeHex(),
    signatureAlgorithm: SignatureAlgorithm.ECDSA_P256

let signature = "108EF718F153CFDC516D8040ABF2C8CC7AECF37C6F6EF357C31DFE1F7AC79C9D0145D1A2F08A48F1A2489A84C725D6A7AB3E842D9DC5F8FE8E659FFF5982310D".decodeHex()
let message : [UInt8] = [1, 2, 3]

let isValid = pk.verify(
    signature: signature,
    signedData: message,
    domainSeparationTag: "",
    hashAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm.SHA2_256
// `isValid` is false

The inputs to verify() depend on the signature scheme used:

  • ECDSA (ECDSA_P256 and ECDSA_secp256k1):

    • signature is the couple (r,s). It is represented as bytes(r) || bytes(s), where || is the concatenation operation, and bytes() is the bytes big-endian encoding of the input integer padded by zeros to the byte-length of the curve order. The signature is 64 bytes-long for both curves.
    • signedData is the arbitrary message to verify the signature against.
    • domainSeparationTag is the domain tag used for signing. The interface only accepts the the user tag "FLOW-V0.0-user".
    • hashAlgorithm is the algorithm used to hash the message along with the given tag (check the hashWithTag function for more details). Only SHA2_256 or SHA3_256 are accepted.
  • BLS (BLS_BLS_12_381):

    • signature is a G_1 (curve over the prime field) point. The encoding follows the compressed serialization defined in the IETF draft-irtf-cfrg-pairing-friendly-curves-08. A signature is 48-bytes long.
    • signedData is the arbitrary message to verify the signature against.
    • domainSeparationTag is the domain tag used for signing. All tags are accepted.
    • hashAlgorithm is the algorithm used to hash the message along with the given tag (check hashWithTag function for more details). Only KMAC128_BLS_BLS12_381 is accepted.

BLS verification performs the necessary membership check of the signature while the membership check of the public key is performed at the creation of the PublicKey object.

Crypto Contract

The built-in contract Crypto can be used to perform cryptographic operations. The contract can be imported using import Crypto.

Key Lists

The crypto contract also allows creating key lists to be used for multi-signature verification. For example, to verify two signatures with equal weights for some signed data:

import Crypto

pub fun test main() {
    let keyList = Crypto.KeyList()

    let publicKeyA = PublicKey(
        signatureAlgorithm: SignatureAlgorithm.ECDSA_P256
        hashAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm.SHA3_256,
        weight: 0.5

    let publicKeyB = PublicKey(
        signatureAlgorithm: SignatureAlgorithm.ECDSA_P256
        hashAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm.SHA3_256,
        weight: 0.5

    let signatureSet = [
            keyIndex: 0,
            keyIndex: 1,

    // "foo", encoded as UTF-8, in hex representation
    let signedData = "666f6f".decodeHex()

    let isValid = keyList.verify(
        signatureSet: signatureSet,
        signedData: signedData

The API of the Crypto contract related to key lists is:

pub struct KeyListEntry {
    pub let keyIndex: Int
    pub let publicKey: PublicKey
    pub let hashAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm
    pub let weight: UFix64
    pub let isRevoked: Bool

        keyIndex: Int,
        publicKey: PublicKey,
        hashAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm,
        weight: UFix64,
        isRevoked: Bool

pub struct KeyList {


    /// Adds a new key with the given weight
    pub fun add(
        _ publicKey: PublicKey,
        hashAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm,
        weight: UFix64

    /// Returns the key at the given index, if it exists.
    /// Revoked keys are always returned, but they have `isRevoked` field set to true
    pub fun get(keyIndex: Int): KeyListEntry?

    /// Marks the key at the given index revoked, but does not delete it
    pub fun revoke(keyIndex: Int)

    /// Returns true if the given signatures are valid for the given signed data
    pub fun verify(
        signatureSet: [KeyListSignature],
        signedData: [UInt8]
    ): Bool

pub struct KeyListSignature {
    pub let keyIndex: Int
    pub let signature: [UInt8]

    pub init(keyIndex: Int, signature: [UInt8])